Day 17 - Drive through Carlsbad to Odessa, TX March 28, 2002

The next couple of days were mostly about getting to Austin in time for Leo's Bachelor party. On this day, I had planned to stop by Carlsbad Caverns and spend the evening there, but I got a late start due to the credit union and realized that there was no way that I would make it to Austin on time the next day. So, I decided to push through to Odessa, TX instead.

Contrarty to what most people experience, I thought Odessa was fascinating for it's remarkable likeness to my home town Sioux Falls. The infrastructure of the city was almost identical, there was a zeppelin hanger arena right by the airport, and the general layout and familiarity of the city let me get around adequately at night without even consulting a map.

2002-03-28-RoadTripDay17 2002-03-28-RoadTripDay17 2002-03-28-RoadTripDay17
The lonely road to Roswell Dairy Capital of the Southwest You know you're close to Texas when...
The great state of Texas